At St John's Dennington we will provide a safe and supportive learning environments and construct learning experiences that are explicit and carefully scaffolded to meet the individual needs of all students.
Our teaching and learning is based around four key questions:What do we expect our students to learn?
If students require additional assistance, in the areas of numeracy and literacy, we have a range of intervention programs such as Reading Recovery, EMU, Jemm, MiniLit, and ERIK.
Extension programs in literacy and numeracy are available for students to be challenged and enhance their problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Student and staff wellbeing is at the forefront of our everyday school life. Throughout the classrooms students are working on identifying and regulating their emotions through the Zones of Regulation Program. Students participate in a Community Meeting each morning, that allows them to name their feeling for that morning. This enables students to put into place a range of strategies that assist them in setting up their day, ready to learn.
We have a Wellbeing Support Officer who works with individuals or groups of children and their families who may need support at different times in their lives. Jas mine is someone for the children to connect with at school and assist in providing strategies to build resilience.
We have breakfast club once per week with the support of local families and businesses.
At St John's we are now able to offer parents and caregivers a free wellbeing tool called School TV. Please click here to visit the site.
Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting.
This award-winning resource helps build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can assist in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.
We encourage you to have a look at this great resource that has a wealth of information delivered in different formats such as short videos, articles, and links to podcasts. As always please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns about your child's wellbeing.
We provide a range of specialist subjects that all students participate in weekly.